Amoné Newborn

Sweet little Amoné enjoyed all the attention on her newborn shoot. First very awake but soon fell asleep safely in her parents arms. I just loved the dark effect they had in their home, completing it off with a daddy and baby girl moment in daddy’s biker attire.  

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Koen Family/Newborn

New life, sometimes comes with tears but mostly with lots of joy and love! Lisa came into this world being blessed with an amazing family, loving parents and very excited brother and sister! Thank you for having me capture this precious moment celebrating new life.  

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Elinéq Newborn

Today I met Little Elinéq at her newborn session. I had the privilege to capture Charne and Jovan’s wedding as well, and it was so special for me to be here at her newborn too. Charne & Jovan, she is beautiful. May she bring you all the happiness in the world and lots of adventure!

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Sion Newborn

Sion was een van die rustigste babas wat ek nog ooit afgeneem het, dit was n absolute plesier om hierdie pragtige geseënde gesin af te neem. Daar was lank gewag vir klein Sion se koms, maar glo en die Here sal voorsien. Mag julle tonne happy moments saam met Sion he. 😍❤

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Heimne Newborn

Die dag toe Suzette & Roddie Meiring vir my laat weet het hulle is swanger was ek so verskriklik opgewonde en kon die trane of die vreeslike groot smile op my gesig wegsteek nie.  Ek het geweet in my hart en siel hulle gaan wonderlike ouers wees. Dit was vir my n verskriklike voorreg om […]

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Keith Newborn

Kleine baba Keith was n volle 3 daggies oud. Rina & Kenneth het direk van die hospitaal af gekom vir kleine Keith se fotos. Dit was n plesier om hom te kon afneem 🙂

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