“Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart”
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it”
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”

I can go on and on with quotes about beauty, but how beautiful is this?!😍 Super excited to share the rest of our Red Glitter Dress Collaboration with you all!

It was such an amazing privilege to work with these 2 ladies! Can’t wait to do some more in the future!
Emily, you are one gorgeous woman! I know inside your so much more, but here we saw the outside shine just as much.❤️
Dienkie, wow, you did such an amazing job. Thank you so much! ❤️

Make-Up & Hair: Amazing Transformations by Dienkie vd Berg
Dress: Bunting Boutique
Beautiful Model: Emily Bunting

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